This is my first opportunity as President to write the President’s Message as I pick up the mantle of leadership from Ken Campbell, our former Board President.
Ken has led BCS with extraordinary leadership and conviction. He and his wife Irene, and other committed board members are to be commended for their many years of service and governance.
Whether you are visiting the website to learn about the history of Baptist Children’s Services, or whether you are investigating our current mission to at-risk youth, we are glad that you are here. As you will see, there are many ways to become involved.
Without the good will and dedication of a growing number of corporations, churches, foundations, social groups and community service organizations, our mission to adolescents and teens, would not be possible.
We are grateful to our donors and volunteers who serve as mentors and teachers of life skills. They turn out on the weekends to spruce up our facilities with painting, yard work or other fix-up tasks and are a joy to behold.
As a licensed residential child care provider, our challenges are many, but we remain confident because of the committed people in our communities who are there providing support and encouragement.
We are working side by side with Tabor Children’s Services to collaborate and build a strong infrastructure. We are embarking on a comprehensive self-study that will lead to accreditation. We are aligning with the Department of Human Services’ Improving Outcomes for Children initiative. These are just a few of the strategies we have initiated to ensure that our tradition of care to orphans, children and youth continues in perpetuity.
Our mission has been constant since 1879: to provide quality care, to create opportunities, to guide, to love and to be positive role-models to the youth in our care. I ask you to join us. Together, we can ensure a bright future for youth who are presently at-risk.
Peace and Love,
Charles W. Quann, President