We hope you will join us in celebration of our honorees, as we enjoy a hearty hors d’oeuvres reception, silent auction, and fabulous entertainment provided by the Agape Praise Team of Bethlehem Baptist Church.
Money raised through the Brighter Tomorrows Celebration event and silent auction goes directly to support the PROFS Scholarship Fund, helping foster children envision a brighter tomorrow through scholarships and support in their pursuit of higher education or trade.
Dr. Michael D. Cirigliano – Medical Contributor for Good Day Philadelphia
Ticket sales, sponsorships, care packages and silent auction are all hosted on our betterworld page.
RSVP: by Friday, September 20
For more information contact Mikhaila Lapic-Lloyd
Reverend Dr. Alyn Waller & Ellyn Jo Waller – Pastor and First Lady of Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church, Philadelphia
Larry Buchholz –
ChildPromise Board of Directors Treasurer
Silent Auction
Bidding begins Tuesday, September 24 at 12pm
Auction donations